They really used the giganotosaurus, huh? Bigger doesn't always mean better, Hollywood! Sad to see Fallen Kingdom (2018) and Dominion (2022) be such disappointing follow ups to the genuine potential Jurrasic World (2015) had as a reboot of the franchise. Instead the film relies on nostalgia pandering through references (such as that to Ian Malcom's flare) and fanservice like the unnecessary fight between the therizinosaurus and aforementioned giganotosaurus. It's difficult to believe the stakes in this movie as every moderately interesting character becomes a main character. About a dozen people live to see the end of the movie. Also fire locusts.
Despite this, I'll give it two stars as it is an enjoyable enough experience if you're sitting down to laugh at how much they've ruined a classic. I was sure to share some solid dinosaur media with my dad after we got home, ha!