I Find this movie quite nice but the whole story sucks. i like the characters but it's just the story that really makes it horrible. basically the 2001 movie of cats and dogs are just plain : DOGS = HEROS, CATS = VILLAIN not to mention in the 2020 one they just make : DOGS AND CATS = HEROS, BIRDS AND OTHER PETS = BAD. as someone who has a lot of birds and even cats in my house i find this just sad how this movie think cats and dogs are the hero's. while the other pets get left behind like garbage. this movie needs to improve ALOT
why not make the villain like a cat or dog again but this time they have a sad backstory that caused them to do this to humans. instead of "ITs NoT FaIR FoR OtHEr DoGS AnD CATs GEt tO HAvE HoMEs BuT NoT ME" it would have also been much better if the dogs wouldn't blame it on cats! for making messes by the villain! the villain should be more trying to target the humans then pets! i would give this a 2 for having cute characters but no not even the animals in there would make me give it a good rating because of the story