For real it’s great but don’t watch it. This story really is cursed. Like other viewers unexplained things started happening. Something kept going past my window. My dog a very protective pit bull ran to the other end of house when he noticed it. Then something loud hit the house, sounded like a very large branch dragging across the shingles of the roof. I thought maybe it’s my imagination but then the dog went crazy. My roommate came in from the other side of the house and asked if I heard it and we both ran out the house with guns and flashlights to find nothing at all, then the dog started barking again we ran in to find him barking and scared staring at the window. My roommate had no idea I was watching this. I went back to watching and randomly thought to see if others had similar experiences. And here we are, I’m going to have a friend what he this unknowing and see wut happens.but I do truly believe this story is cursed.