As a monster hunter player since PSP; I feel this goes against the world-building of the games in every way. In the games there is no military and there is no jeeps. And, The size of these monsters are ginormous when considering they are supposed to be dinosaur sized -NOT Kaiju. This film decided to depict everything as a kaiju; which the games heavily explains that they aren't. I much rather they picked a Jurassic park approach of this film. Something where they show the beauty, nature, and also threatening ways of these creature with an apex roaming around. In the games a simple Rathalos is no different than a real world tiger who could step into a human tribe; what I mean by this is that these monster have many of their kind; a population, live naturally in the world, and coexist along side of humans. They are part of the ecosystem and aren't really seen as something that's a large environmental threat that's only out there for blood, or have goals to destroy the world. -Nope! Monsters are just another living creature that is trying to survive. In the games, Hunters only hunt them down if they have wander too close for comfort around their villages or for materials; Food/clothing. This Film missed the point of the games and made a generic mystical kaiju film out of it and I'm sorely disappointed.
If THEY wanted to make a "kaiju" film out of monster hunter there is better ways to do it. In the game the closet creature to kaiju are called ELDER DRAGONS! Elder dragons are legendary, once in a lifetime, creatures who are, in-canon, MUCH larger than the monsters featured in this film. An elder dragon should've been your kaiju; not Rathalos, not diablos, not even Nerscylla.
I don't think the directors and writers did their research; Theyve disrespected the monsters, and they probably didn't even play MHWorld; Instead of village bounty of previous games, in world you hunted for environmental study and scientific outbreaks. So to whom does this cater to if this film isn't for most of us long time hunters?