The series had literally no bad episodes whatsoever. I feel as though it was spaced out perfectly. Episodes 1 and 2 introduced characters and established a storyline and the first arc, being ahsoka and companies attempted prevention of Baylon shin and Morgan finding their way to grand admiral thrawn. Episode 3 was a great and fun set up episode while episode 4 was an amazing climax point of the first arc! Episode 5 was in my opinion the best episode of Star Wars tv of all time, as we were gifted with live action Clone wars flashbacks including Captain Rex and Anakin, along with a brilliant young ahsoka. We also were gifted with an epic fight scene between ahsoka and knightfall Vader. Although I see it as full potential Vader/Anakin if you really think about it which is on a whole new level of amazing. Episode 6 was obviously the introduction of the big bad villain Thrawn and the reunion of our beloved Ezra. An all around amazing set up episode for 7 and 8. And obviously episode 7 and 8 were amazing conclusions to the finale with cool lightsaber battles and amazing cliff hangers making you feel emotional and setting up the next season. Getting to see the owl (daughter) following ahsoka was incredible and Baylon searching for the Mortis Gods is so incredible! Not to mention, the final scene is a perfect conclusion to the show.
If you are confused by anything in anyway, I feel as though you need to watch The Clone Wars and Rebels. Both of which provide meaningful backgrounds and story’s to every single character.
The acting was pretty great. In particular the performance by Ray Stevenson stood out as incredible! Such a shame that he is not around to see the love his character has received. He will be deeply missed and I hope we at least get some sort of reference to what he was trying to accomplish as opposed to maybe a recast. Rosario Dawson did an amazing portrayal of ahsoka as well. Many criticized her for being too emotionless, as Ahsoka in TCW and Rebels was very emotional and outgoing. However, through character development, we see her become ahsoka the white and learn a final lesson from Anakin. I thought Rosario did an amazing job portraying this character development. It was also amazing to see Hayden Christensen back on screen as Anakin Skywalker. In the movies, we really only see him play a more awkward angry teen version of anakin. Here we got to see Hayden show his talents portraying the strong and forthright role of General Anakin Skywalker, much more similar to his personality in the Clone Wars show and he NAILED IT! I also felt that the Young Ahsoka actor Ariana Greenblatt did a great job, and showed off some awesome lightsaber moves, especially during the Siege of Mandalore scene! Other standouts include Ivanna Sahkno as Shin Hati, Lars Mikelsen as Thrawn, Eman Esfandi as Ezra, David Tennant as Huyang, and Evan Whitten as Jacen Syndulla! They all did an outstanding job.
Overall, the show was a 10/10 for me. It was action packed, had an amazing plot, great acting for the most part, great casting, and very emotional scenes. It was also filled with tons of nostalgia and deep lore! Was it perfect? No. Is any show? No. My favorite part about the show is that there are no major plot holes that ruined the experience for me. Recent Star Wars projects have struggled with writing, with some major plot holes. The Ahsoka show did an amazing job avoiding these. I cannot wait for season 2!