Unbelievable (4/5) -created by Susannah Grant is police procedural drama on Rapist victims who have a similar pattern. Like any other investigative series it follows a similar routine,what stands is that they do not hurry on their process, they have dead ends with millions of information available yet all felt natural. First on the lead, kaitlyn dever who plays Marie Adler a female victim plays out her part well with her brave yet innocent role.Her conversation with Dara (counselor, i think) was very moving.The two female detectives Merritt wever and Toni collette have done excellent job.Toni plays detective who works alone and do things things her way. Merritt plays Quiet yet effective cop who have less experience than toni and she sees toni has her mentor. The two different personalities join together to catch the Rapist who has similar MO in all cases.Their relationship build up slowly, at one point they both understood one another. The writing was so good in my places like the car conversation of the detectives as well as court scene.The main theme of this series is justice system, is it works the same for all the people? The robbery or carjacked is never questioned of lying why a woman say that she has been raped is questioned of lying? these were questioned asked and afterall the justice is served they got the guy who did it.
Unbelievable is well structured mini series with Good writing and Gripping screenplay.On final note, Marie says to detective duvall that,"I woke up happy not because of catching the guy or money i got, but because you guys tried for it". This defines everything
A Feel good and a Must watch Netflix series.