Capcom made this game much different to other resident evil game we know and I think it's a good and refreshing changes the traditional over the shoulder 3rd person perspective to a in your face first person view which makes every encounter even scarier as it immerses you into this dark and creepy house hold of the Baker family.
The antagonists in this game stray away from what we know about resident evil by giving us this 4 main antagonist family. the enemies you come across in this game can seem linear and repetitive at times especially the molded you constantly meet above the second halve of the game. The ai is not the best as most(all)of the enemies cant run and most of the time can be easily glitchy but any ways. The Baker family is a nice breath of fresh air from the traditional antagonists from other resident evil games as they focus on more gruesomely creepy actions instead of the mighty overlord feel.
The graphics,aesthetic and visuals on resident evil are stunning as you can see every vein in ethans(protagonist)hands as you push the door,the scars on your fingers after a fight and even the individual ants on corpses.
The gameplay on the game is where I think it needs improvement as movement in the game feels heavy no matter the settings and the gun play feels a bit clunky which can be troublesome in close quarters combat which you often get.
This game has surely placed its spot as one of my favorite but I don't think its it's of the calibre of resident evil 4