I haven't had this much fun playing a game in a long time! The gunplay and movement is great and the artstyle/assets for this game look amazing. It's one big adventure from start to finish! I can imagine getting bored on easier difficulty though. If you play on nightmare then you cant take many hits and, in the beginning, enemies feel like bullet spounges, which means you can't tank around as you would expect from the trailer. As you progress and get better at using weapons and abilities you start to learn how to constantly keep moving and bash through enemies without taking hits, which is so rewarding. There so much variety to the game as well. The mutant bash TV arena, the vehicles and vehicle gunplay (theres even a mech) the various different locations that really look, feel and play differently, everything just comes together and you can never put down the controller because there is so much to do! The only complaint I have is that I would like to have more controller customization. I appreciate that I can change the deadzone, but I don't like aim acceleration and would like to be able to just turn down the aim assist to half. The aim assist is actually good, it never felt too sticky, but I did notice the aim assist slowdown causing me the shoot behind enemies and then aim acceleration kicks in and I shoot in front of them. I also switched LB to A and RB to B in the Xbox accessories menu.
I feel like this game is very underrated. I give it a 9/10.