I need season 2 of this. I need to see them more. Great series. You know, I really like watching this kind of genre but most of the movies/series featuring homosexuality is so heartbreaking or just got this very serious. But this series, have this lively and heartwarming tone. I can feel a lot of positivity from it. I think this series is a real sign of the society or many people in the society start having the mindset that whatever the gender of the two people involve in a romantic relationship, love is love.
Other than the way they tackle homosexuality, this series also has a great plot, the characters are not flat and they are portrayed by the actors and actresses very well. For the people who are behind this success, thank you for your dedication and hard work!
I hope that if ever this series would have a 2nd season, it would NOT bring any injustice to the characters of Heartstopper I came to love. As someone had said, follow excellence and success will follow you.