Fun game modes, horrible matchmaking, limited selection.
You’ll get:
-BADminton (no skill, just don’t miss and the game lasts indefinitely)
-Chambara (sword fighting)
That’s it. They’re fun (besides badminton) but the online aspect has been frustrating. I’d like to consider myself a pretty active and capable gamer and yet I lose 90% of my queues by an astronomical amount. This is before even making it into their ranking system that begins when you win (how..?).
Sword fighting? People break through my blocks and my sword never swings quite how I need it to. Most matches I lose the first two rounds almost immediately.
Soccer- slow gameplay but pretty balanced. 4 v 4 allows for weight to be distributed and even bad matchmaking will give you a good teammate or two.
Bowling is a 3 frame at a time elimination match against 12-16ish people. Unless you roll spares or strikes, you’ll get eliminated. It’s frustrating to have a split and be eliminated by default. Happens a lot and gets old.
Good game- don’t get me wrong- but things to consider before you buy.