I babysit a lot. And when I do, I'm always looking for new stories to read to the little ones when they get antsy. Out of everything I've read (and I've tried just about every genre one could think of) this is the one book that all the little ones I look after seem to enjoy the most. No fussing, no telling me to hurry and finish or picking another book halfway through. When I whip out this whimsical book of stories, everyone eagerly awaits to see what the beloved cat and squirrel will be up to next.The lilting writing style and lovable characters are great for all ages. Doesn't hurt that the stories manage to capture my attention, too. Very sweet and child-friendly yet there are "sparkle words" galore and an old-fashioned cozy feel. Would recommend to parents and caregivers looking for a change of pace from your normal reading list.