A stunning game by Sakaguchi from Mist Walker the director/producer of all final Fantasy's through to Final Fantasy X, the golden era of Final Fantasy.
A simple story, executed incredibly well. I'm not saying some parts are not cheesy (like Zaels lack of smell or Mirannia's food obsession), but over all its a character driven story with a very likeable cast and a sweet love story with highs and lows.
I particularly enjoyed the band of mercenaries with Syrenne and Lowell taking the spot light as best in the cast, both being well voiced and relatable. Unfortunately the leads and lead villain do not quite reach their potential which is eluded to, with the side characters and minor villain's being far more interesting. Regardless all characters are likeable, and all motivations are understood, even condoned. Some very interesting betrayals and political intrigue!
Gameplay mechanics and fighting is fresh and engaging, the game has incredible New Game + replay value, with some mechanics such as the exploration Zr 'focus' trigger in the town not being realised by me until my third playthrough. There is in depth exploration galore here!
Reasonably safe for kids 12+, very mild sexually suggestive scenes, violence is mild.
Pick it up on ebay if you can for the Wii!! It's an XSeed game (like the now famous Xenoblade Chronicles and the sobering and engaging Pandora's Tower) so its rarity will allow good resale if its not to your taste.