At least give us mounts to make up for poor inventory weight and fast travel is limited, which is fine but i enjoy riding while taking in the atmosphere vs just walking. Pawns are pretty annoying with their constant sayings and talking about treasure or ladders .. where in the actual hells are you even looking at!
The voice acting feels and looks like it's stuck in early to mid 2000's to 2015 along with the mouths not matching the words or still moving after talking. Just lil annoyances.
I enjoy that there isn't much hand holding but for the love of hades please explain to me why I can't heal all of a sudden or when one of my pawns left? Not sure when that happened. Story seems ok and graphics are low mid and feel outdated. The immersion isn't there personally for me with its old feeling camera views and ypu don't get much choice or a voice in how you actually feel. You must just accept the npc on what they say. How is this a true RPG?
Definitely needs improvement and QOL added in. It feels empty with pretty basic npcs when you come across them.
No replayability as in you'd have to delete your one and only save, no starting over. No lock on and tests annoying that you can't focus in on an enemy. Predatory microtransactions in a SINGLE player RPG is absurd! No barber or place to change up looks ... oh no, you must BUY it!