An incisive dive into human nature and the concept of being repeatedly challenged to be real and human in an increasingly artificial world that seems to demand we be anything but.
The nuanced bravura performance of the central character is tantalizing and rewarding of viewer’s patience and compassion, revealing vignette by vignette a man who is by turns cowardly, heroic, humane, at times almost criminally indifferent, or overmatched and floundering, or a true deer in headlights caught in his own verisimilitude, yet a bold thinker and doer, yet a superficial vapid fool, a tender father, and a distant father…you get the idea. This character is fascinating to watch as he navigates his way through the complexities of his own place in the world vs a world none of us fully grasps or knows how to cope within.
Don’t miss it, one of the most intriguing films I’ve seen since Blow Up…and that was a long long time ago.