OK TV show - but predicated on a false premise: The alleged massive (and ENDLESS) trauma suffered by a teen female when she signals YES and then decides NO .. and the teen male fails to act immediately on the latter. There's inappropriate touching but no rape. The fella may have even stopped eventually - getting the message.
This stuff is completely unfair to young people everywhere. We all make mistakes and mixed messages are not uncommon in anyone let alone inexperienced teens. Unfortunately 'no' is sometimes just proforma/insincere. That's the truth.
It's nevertheless unacceptable for a male not to accept NO. It's also unacceptable for a female to signal 'yes I want to have sex' thru ALL the preliminaries, talking, Body language, looking, kissing and 'petting' etc. all the way up to the later stages and then suddenly 'change her mind'.
So sorry, but sex is just not that traumatic or important an experience. And there are alternatives to 'full' sex open to her (There's an argument that suggests that 'she got him Horny, after all...')
And if you carry, draw and point a gun at someone they are entitled to assume you are about to shoot them- as with other similar situations in life.
The program assumes that an appropriate punishment for male teen misunderstanding and inappropriate touching in this situation is lifelong paraplegia. This whole scenario *Jarred* with me. Constantly.
Perhaps if she'd had her day in court that would have been appropriate - and shaming for him.
But, She wouldn't have gained a conviction in any fair court.
Stupid, overly politically correct American BS. It spoiled the show for me.