This was a horribly written movie. You can be assured the writers had no idea what the word physics means. It was painful to watch soldiers shooting at an electrical entity with M-16s and throwing grenades at it. At one point a scientist is supposedly within a mile of the black hole. While debris is flying past him, he slowly slides along the ground as if he weighs much more than buildings that have been sucked into the black hole. The only believable part of the movie was how idiotic the generals and president in the movie were. The president and his top general (with an unusually large star on his hat) wanted to nuke the black hole. Wow, sounds like a trump move. I suffered through the movie to see how bad it would get. It was off the charts horrible. Glad I never spent money going to see this in a theater. If a singularity occurred on Earth the gravitational force would immediately effect the entire Earth not just a part of St. Louis as light cannot escape a black hole.