I like many others wrote this game off due to the bad reviews from places such as IGN, Lucy o brian did a youtube video review on behalf of IGN and scored it a 6.5, but she absolutely tore it a new arse and basically made me write the game off completely!
9 months later I see it on sale for £25 digital. I fancied a new game at the time so gave it a go!
I have now got 100% of the trophies!
The game is absolutely incredible! The story alone is worth a 10/10.... a few minor bugs here and there but the good massively outweigh the bad here! It is a fu***ng MASTERPIECE! I have never in my life been so emotionally attached to a story as I was in days gone. The combat and gameplay are excellent!
I would give it 9.5/10
And the bugs are the reason for the .5 loss!
Best game to come out in the last 3 years. Hands down