OMG, less of a review and more of a warning!! This move is so over-hyped it's ridiculous. Directed by Waititi, it's a kid's movie with some atrocious acting, and a horrible script (the whole hammer/axe conflict?!). Went last night to a packed IMAX and it was such a letdown. We laughed (as a crowd) maybe 3 times and cheered (as a crowd) like twice, and those moments came mostly from cameos that had no real bearing on the story. For the credits were rolling, I noticed a name that I did not remember seeing. The credits ended and you know those 'teasers' we all stick around for at the end of these MCU movies...that's when the character showed up! So we cheered (one of those 2 moments I mentioned earlier). What this illustrates is just how poor the foundations of this film had no soul and did not illicit any real emotion from the crowd (when it ended, it was dead-quiet, and we all simply walked out). Which in essence is why we go to these films right? Waititi is clearly not the director for me. This is the second time in recent memory that he decided to become part of the film instead of just directing it (remember 'Free Guy'?). Self-promotion seems to have become his forte. I BEG OF YOU (MCU), don't let him do anymore!!!! The villain looked like a proper villain, but you never truly hated him, to some extent you had compassion instead. And what's up with this whole god/Zeus thing? That moment was downright uncomfortable, remember what I said about the acting (you'll see what I mean when you watch the film...tell me that scene wasn't awful)? The ending was so bizarre, and the way it kind of came across as the 'moral to the story' was sooooo was almost like they ran out of time. And again, this 'god' thing and the first teaser...where are they going with this? What's the 'moral to the story' here? If you're a fan of the MCU like I am, then of course go see the film. But don't pay full price, and sadly, don't yearn for that big emotional moment to's not there.