I did try to watch this film, but oh goodness! Terrible in many ways… My post will probably be removed because it’s calling this film out!!!!!!!! Political and for the extreme left agenda. NOT FOR THE CHILDREN. There is no wonder, vivid color, connection to childhood or beautiful landscape like the other films.
Also, notice how the pirates want to make “boy tea” and eat them… that was NEVER in any Peter Pan movie. *enter triangle emoji here**!!!
So many differences as: Tinker Bell was not against Wendy.. and Wendy rejects the lost boys.. Peter Pan is dry and no sarcasm or young boy behavior.. hook isn’t hook at all and is understandable with background as “misunderstood”.
There is so much propaganda in this film.
Notice how when Wendy says to the the Lost Boys, “you don’t look like boys” (because half of them are girls) they say, “what does that matter?”
Whether or not you believe this, it goes into children identifying as another sex. As in it being okay to change your sex in freaking elementary and not just being okay with being who you are at a very young age. Read the fine lines people!!
Also, when the lost boys want Wendy to be a mother, she says, “I don’t know if I want to be a mother.”
This is adding to the agenda of separation of the family unit. Women not wanting to be a mother.. why? Ask yourself about the dialogue. Is this for your children? Absolutely not.