A wonderful book so honest and realistic a real mirror into the time and place in which it was set. I found Vic Brown to be a very likeable character, a product of his times and environment but also, because of his thoughtful intelligence somewhat at odds with some of the people around him.He soon realises that he doesn`t actually like Ingrid very much but because of his lust (which initially in his innocence he mistakes for love) he cannot leave her alone. I found it rather sad (and, again a skilful reflection of the times ) that he is too shy to go into a chemist`s to buy condoms something which would certainly not happen with today`s young men! As the book progresses Vic deals with his situation with sensitivity and courage in the face of his wife`s (Ingrid`s) small minded ignorance and his dreadful mother in law. I did not blame him in the least for drinking too much and being sick on her carpet!