Funniest thriller episode i have ever seen. Started series after i saw rating and reviews and people said it is good. First episode was going good but in the last few minutes. Mother gets attacked on her own home with an armed intruder , daughter in self defence knocks attacker out. I am not sure whether attacker is killed or just unconsious.Daughter has already called 911and they are just minutes away. Now funny part mom has some history which is not disclosed yet. She tells daughter go as far as you can , daughter is a cop itself and daughter takes attacker car and runs away😂😂😂😂 Their you go suspicion of murder , theft right away. Couldn't find logic to run away from own home when you are attacked by an armed person . Didnt built the plot for me and that is end of pieces of her for me. 😂😂😂 If anyone can put some sense into me to watch further please feel free to enlighten me. Single star for mother's violent scene in the cafe.