I read some reviews about the show not having enough Korean culture, depth and immersiveness and while I agree that there should be a more inclusive nature for the future S3 and so forth, that does not mean the show is ‘trash’ and some people *cough* haters are labelling it out to be. It’s the first time that an American cross Korean TV show has been made ever to this international scale. How can you expect it to be perfect. I assume Anna Cathart’s lines are already extremely difficult to learn but she also stated that she really does struggle with speaking and learning Korean even at basic hangeul level. She’s doing what she can so please show respect. In my view there should be a bigger emphasis on the plot and how Korean culture is weaves into it. That will make a much more fluid and captivating story for butch viewers and the actors. That’s all for today. I apologise for the paragraph. I LOVED S2 and know that kitty and Minho will be endgame so not worried but please don’t rush the kiss just cause people what it and can’t wait. The ending for S2 was absolutely perfect and appropriate! Love from an Xo Kitty MEGAFAN.