What can one say about a movie where the Writer/Director has to try to Man-Shame people to watch it. I am trying to take this with a grain of salt giving credit to her past body of work as an Actress. This is really hard considering the fact that most of Hollywood has lost the point of Movies. We give our hard earned money to be entertained, I think that we need to start calling the The Ghost Buster Reboot Phenomenon or (TGBRP) for short. Are we now expected to rate movie on a Cinematic Bell Curve. So will I have to rate the Departed an amazing film from Martin Scorsese the same as Independent film of a Transsexual, Bi-polar, half Nigerian half Burmese midget Muslim atheist walking in circles in a mind field for 90 minutes just as highly as the former. Should we do this because of the adversity that was over come by the film maker in their life. Nope, I am stopping this here, Charlie's had problems from start to finish, weak to nonexistent plot, bad writing, no real driving force behind any part of it. The acting was okay to good at times however this is not an issue of a Blind Watchmaker more of a case of a Un-Edited writer a near sighted Director and an innate ability to blame others for personal inability. I am done. If you want to show people how good women can be put good actresses in good movies.