Admittedly I love found footage films; if you can't stand them the payoff of the insane ending might not be enough for you to get into this one. That said, even if you can barely tolerate FF horror you should check this one out. It's a slow burn but the premise is a bit different as the reason for filming is a Vatican team investigating a supposed miracle at a small church; one of the team has been involved in an investigation that went bad and has a love of the bottle, so the team is told to keep filming at all times to reduce the possibility of more screw-ups. A non-church-affiliated techie has also been hired, and it is the relationship between this character (Gray) and the hard-nosed booze-loving investigator Deacon that anchors the film. On first viewing it's a typical FF mystery that seems to be building up to some demonic entity, but the final act goes batsh*t crazy and takes a turn that is both unexpected and one of the most highly disturbing horror scenes I've ever seen. The final images have stayed in my brain for days now and forced a re-watch, at which time the clues that were being dropped about that harrowing ending were much more apparent. The nice character development between the two leads really works in the movie's favor to carry you through the slower bits, and to heighten the horror of the film's final moments. Definitely worth a watch AND a re-watch to better catch how the true mystery is being stitched together.