The movie shows scraps of lives of different characters in a town that never recovered from a tornado. The dillapitated town is filled with all sorts of people some would call "white trash". The director went for a very artistic style but it ends up not accomplishing much, asides from feeling like a bad trip. The shock value might be interesting to some but to me, it uncovers nothing new, just waves a bunch of scenes in front of the viewer's face. Yeah, I know some people like scat porn, does it disturb me? No, it's just kinda gross and that's about it, not something I'd like to watch for almost two hours.
Prostitution, drug addiction, animal cruelty - you name it. It's the name of the game in many bad neighborhoods or towns.
In the end, there is little to no structure, just "shocking" scenes of deviancy and a small storyline that explores the lives of the characters. Some scenes are more drawn out than they should. No story told, no deeper exploration of the characters (why are they like this? how were they raised? what impacted their lives and decisions?), no action, just snuff and grotesque scenes of lives of poor people.
If you have an idea of what life looks like to people living in places like these, it is a total waste of time. If it was executed better, it could have been an interesting case study of a poor, filthy town full of people that fit within it. But it isn't. Just tries to pass "bad" as "artsy" and "too deep for you". A puddle of dirty water isn't deep, I'm sorry.
It's basically a freak show, that's it. Some people will fawn over a guy spilling paint onto a canvas and call it "art". To me, it's just pretentious.