I am so HAPPY>> Max and Sharp got together!!!! I am no longer skipping through!! I'll keep watching..would love to see these two characters in other shows or movies.. its been a while since i've seen people spark romance on T.V. and make me feel like it's so real. Well the team does a great job at bringing their characters alive!!! NAH..I hope i get to perform as an actress this way on t.v. one day, I never got into Grey's Anatomy!! this probably beat it though!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW AND I LOVE SHARP AND MAX RELATIONSHIP, THIS SHOW OVERALL IS INSPIRING..i loved the scene in season 4 with Iggy and Sharp, love Iggy wish he was my counsulor in real life, he played Psych well. Love the whole cast. Really hope the next season Max and Sharp gets married and have a baby. I think sharp mom played the part well of being envious of her and not wanting her to have the life she never had. Sharp has shown so many resilience, I hope she stays with Max and show her mom that she will not fall for that black mother manipulation. I can speak from experience of having a manipulative black mother. These shows mimics real life to a certain degree. Me and my daughters would really love to see her step in to her full character as a strong black woman. Dr. Wilder should be the new Medical director, her and Max are the same yet they would not compliment one another the way Sharpe and Max chemistry light up time square. Thank you.