The movie under Paris is an action thrillers, sci-fi and suspenseful movie. The movie shows how our actions can have a big impact On marine life, including sharks.It exhibits how plastic pollution in the water can change the natural cycle of sharks and other marine life. This movie has a lot of parts with keep the leader on edge..
Under Paris is an outstanding movie, although some of it seems could have used more work. Very realistic, but when you observe it carefully, you can notice many unrealistic things. in the beginning of the movie when the girl was pulled down into the depth of the ocean by the shark for five minutes, she still survived and most people drown in that much time and like what if they can have a long time to get out. She was more then like 100 feet down into the depth.I liked how this movie was about marine life and pointed out the consequences of our actions.
It was a good movie, but not the best I’ve seen. I don’t know how Netflix consider it horror. Honestly I feel this movie can use a lot of work.