5 Nights at Freddys meets Drive Angry, Willy’s Wonderland is a fun and widely bizarre film. Nearly every genre is packed into this 88 minute runtime, with action, horror, comedy and drama popping up at random. The film starts off fairly quick and straight to business, however it loses momentum with a mother daughter story sub-arc that is entirely unnecessary. Removing this part of the story still allows the film to work fine if not better. While the younger supporting cast are a welcome necessity to help balance out Cage’s over the top and sporadic character, throwing in a painfully forced sub-drama is cringingly out of place. You may find yourself thinking you accidentally sat on the remote and switched to the CW every time the film shoves this narrative onto the screen. That being said, Nick Cage being Nick Cage in this movie is more than enough to turn this into a b-horror cult classic.