Fell asleep half way through for short while! Maybe good for a sleeping aid but not much else!
Very gothic, very gloomy! Pattinson has been totally miscast, smallest Batman there’s ever been. They show his bare back in some scenes where I imagine the idea is to show some muscles but there aren’t any! Spends most of his time with a with a sour expressionless face, I can’t imagine it was hard to act out! Maybe the director said “give me moody, let the audience guess what you’re thinking” and that’s what he done the whole way through!
It’s Batman at the very beginning really without the hi tech gadgets, riding around on a motorbike with his costume in a rucksack incase he needs it! Don’t expect any exciting hi tech action scenes!
I personally preferred the Christopher Nolan Batmans with Christian Bale.
This is back to humble comic book beginnings which doesn’t really fit in with modern day reality. It’s very dark and moody scene wise, don’t think there was any true daylight the whole film, maybe why I fell asleep briefly, that and it being boring! It was like a mix of ‘The Crow’, ‘Batman’ and ‘Poirot’.