I didn't read the series, maybe it was better. This review is purely from watching the show. The concept could have been amazing, and it has it's moments but pretty disappointed overall.
Immense number of plot holes. Entire shoe is littered with poor decision making by the 3 main characters for the sake of "advancing the story".
Spent 60% of the time wondering why characters chose the most Rube Goldberg attempts at conflict resolution or the most obviously dumb ideas.
***Spoiler alert***
-Tides rise after low tide
- Is nobody worried that there is key that let's people take on the shape of another person?
-If your enemy needs a key to operate something & you need to entrap them, maybe don't bring to key directly to them. (Possibly would be a better idea to leave the key where this thing can be trapped?)
-If your enemy stole some magic keys from you, maybe you should take them back while they are unconscious?