I may only be 12, but I’m smart enough to see that this shows has some issues. When I was around 6, my dad bought three seasons of Full House on Amazon for me to watch. I watched those over and over for years, and it somehow didn’t get boring! Every night, I would turn on Nickelodeon to see if Full House was on Nick at Nite. So you can probably imagine how excited I was when I got Hulu and gained access to all 8 seasons. Soon it was announced that there was going to be a new series on Netflix called Fuller House! I watched the first season but something was a little off. It was EXACTLY THE SAME. Except with three girls raising 3 boys (and Ramona). Literally all this series had to do was repeat the entirety of Full House except with a gender bend. There’s multiple episodes with essentially the same titles except with name swaps. Really? And quite a few episodes were wayyy more suggestive than Full House! Some episodes I’m not even comfortable watching around my dad! (He’s very restrictive over what I watch unlike my mom.) I understand making more of those jokes because of the now older audience but still. Your show is rated G. General audiences. The older audience is going to be showing their kids this show and thinking about how inappropriate it became. Overall, if you’re looking for something to get cheap laughs out of, then sure. But the reason I gave it 3 stars was because I still enjoyed the nostalgia and getting a conclusion to the Full house series. That is until they try to cash in more with Fullest House. 3 non binary people raise 5 *insert other gender here*. You know. Gotta be PC. Well this review is way too long and I’m bad at conclusions so, team Matt all the way!