I have loved this show since the first episode. it's really frusterating to see that most of the reviews are due to the "dislike" of the main characters Lucy and Stephen. Stephen is indeed a manipulative, serial cheating, narcissist with sever mommy issues. But every woman knows a man like this. His character is actually super validating for women who like lucy have dated these types of men. Lucy is not the best character but when a girl dates a men that terrible, it tends to rub off, which again is super validating. This show is really difficult for me to watch, mainly because of how well I can relate to so many of the characters. I am very much emotionally involved and when I'm watching I might as well be one of their roomates. Also, very refreshing to see a show like this set in COLLEGE vs high school. This show is not another teen drama where you're expected to drool over the main characters and root for their love. This show is suppose to show you how troubling navigating relationships as this age can be. There's also a scene in the movie where Lucy writes a paper and her classmates give her the feedback that her protagonist was unlikeable and that is literally Lucy herself. We are all unlikeable in some capacity for whatever reason. Trauma, heart break, the loss of a parent. Just want the show to ride passanger. Don't expect things to go your way, that's not life and it's definitely not college in 2007.