I have read the many poor reviews this movie has garnered. In a way, I suppose, I am not surprised. Is it authentically accurate to the legend of King Arthur? I don't know. I have seen a few versions both in movie and in series. Does it matter? That depends.
The entire saga of King Arthur is meant to be, fr my understanding, a mythological tale that is based on a historical figure in Britain. He works with and against supernatural forces in order to maintain and rule his kingdom. The whole lot of it is most helpful to the reader if it INSPIRES to bring about the ability and the courage to see how this tale is meant for each one of us to claim our own inner kingdom of what our true identity is.
This much I have noticed with Guy Ritchie -- he is VERY aware of the power of mythology as a means to awaken ourselves fr the deep sleep of identifying with our body, name, personality as who we think we are. The greater and true identity takes a tremendous amount of trials and suffering before it can be embraced -- very much like EVERYTHING which Arthur Pendragon goes through fr childhood orphan, raised in brothel and then to king.
There are so many DEEP & PROFOUND lines in this movie spoken of by Uther, the Mage, the Syrens, finally Arthur himself. When Arthur finally awakens after being knocked unconscious in his final battle with his uncle (and it may very be interpreted that he BRIEFLY died), he FINALLY is able to fully see what he couldn't all his life. The message of his father the king saying to him, "You don't have to run anymore. You can look now. The sword is yours." is PROFOUND. This whole entire sequence is POWERFUL when taken in the context of our inner awakening. I would recommend listening to the youtube recordings of NEVILLE GODDARD to fully understand what context I am speaking of here.
And when Arthur takes the hand of his uncle and then BLESSES HIM!!! MIC DROP. And he continues on to acknowledge the role in which they were each brought for each other -- no hatred, no animosity, no victimization, no revenge. JUST GRATITUDE. This is EPIC, just UTTERLY EPIC for writing this mythology in a way which has NEVER written before, as far as I know. This is the invitation in which life is CONSTANTLY bringing into our awareness. Everything is happening FOR us and NOT to us.
I am now a 100% fan of Guy Richie and whatever it is he creates and puts out. He is in the same league as Christopher Nolan in my experience of movie makers who have the vision and power, courage and inspiration, artistry and mysticism to deliver the Message we all are deeply yearning to hear and live as Truth.
For some of us, we will see the many many symbologies which are used in this movie. Myself, I am watching it for the 2nd time and, like the 1st time, I have the close captioning on so that I do NOT miss any of what it being said. There are many inner shifts taking place as I watch this, aspects of the subconscious which are becoming integrated into conscious awareness. Every single one of these characters are both an aspect of the inner self and also, represents a person in each of our lives. Being able to see and experience these with clarity is a gift of tremendous worth.
I will be watching this many times more and from a place of deep inner listening, a kind of meditation I grateful beyond words for this masterful movie making from Guy Ritchie.