The game is solid, but the combat is pretty broken. There isnt really anything you can do once the mob size grows past a certain point. This is most noticeable in the totally insane DLC, when they throw 6 of the inmates who hop on your back and eat 1/3-1/2 a health in one go. Between them and the other 10 people in the room, youre pretty much screwed. Theres no real way to direct your attacks, and weird things start to happen. Like when batman, instead of hitting the lone enemy you directed him towards, that, by all rights, the soft lock SHOULD pick up, punches empty space right next to said enemy. Or when enemies slide across the room mid-punch, to hit you AFTER you've dodged the entire attack. Idk if i will ever figure out how to defend against that, because its basically just incredibly rigged teleportation, and batmans precognitive dodge sense doesnt seem to work on those attacks.