I was drawn in at the beginning. The mystery of what was happening was intriguing. However, so many things didn’t make sense. You sleep in the basement of your own house and your guests don’t insist you take back your rooms? Weird. An oil tanker plows straight ahead onto the beach and no one thinks that’s worth mentioning? Super stereotyping on the white husband not picking up the terrified Spanish-speaking woman. In a catastrophic situation what man would not assist a woman in distress? Dude can afford a nice apartment in NYC but can’t remember how to drive into town Mkay. The characters were so superficial and I cared about none of them. Women all strong. White men weak or nefarious. Yaaawn.
I laughed so hard at the end when the two idiots were terrified of some deer passively staring at them. The deer were probably hungry and needed water but those idiots screamed and bullied until the deer were scared away. Relax, you’re in the forest . Those are grazing animals. They have emotions and are passive, sweet animals. Please don’t antagonize the fauna. You’re part of the problem, sisters. I seriously think this may become a cult classic. It’s so ridiculous it is funny