Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a quality RPG game and one of the best major games on Nintendo Switch. Solid combat, great RPG/strategy elements, full voice acting, beautiful and plentiful cutscenes, tough decisions and branching dialogue/story options, and plenty of exploration make for a wonderful game.
I am a pretty big RPG fan, but have only played a handful of Fire Emblem games, the last being the 3DS titles. I was wary of a "console" Fire Emblem, as the last one on Gamecube, many thought was terrible.
Three Houses exceeded all my expectations, and I bought it blind a few days after release before hearing about it. To me, it takes all the elements of Fire Emblem: Birthright/Conquest (which I beat, played a bit of Valentia) and puts them on a console worthy scale.
It's the classic Fire Emblem gameplay, commanding units on a grid battlefield, but the depth of each character, even characters who aren't yours is vast. Everyone is fully voiced. Everyone has personalities, likes, dislikes, and can interact with you. You choose which house you want to follow, a la Game of Thrones, and YOU choose how to respond to people, who to recruit, who to further and advance and who to romance.
I went into this game expecting a sequel to the Gamecube Fire Emblem game (which did nothing but make the series 3D). I was completely wrong. Intelligent Systems clearly put LOTS of time and work into creating a fully fleshed out Fire Emblem world, with a great story, plenty of exploration, characters, pitting you as a professor, the teacher and peer to many. Everyone with a Switch should check out Three Houses.