This could have been a good movie, but is ruined by its not-so-subtle political message: "all of the presidents until Obama have been corrupt and kept secrets but Obama is going to introduce transparency". With that ridiculous premise as the target of the film, the story must also be ridiculous.
A great cast, except perhaps for a poorly cast Rob Cordray (not his fault), is wasted on this horrendous attempt at a RED rip off. Most of the dialog is forced and carboard. There is ZERO character build-up, so we have no reason to care about anyone other than the poor sap for whom this is their first day at work.
The real assassins are the writers and director for assassinating this movie.
Honestly, I came in with high hopes - like The Office meets Smokin' Aces - instead we got this garbage.
Stories that are based on black and white dogma are unrealistic and boring. If you are far left-wing, you'll love this. If you are at all right-wing, you'll hate it and turn it off after 5 miniutes. If you are centrist, you'll just probably just be be pissed at the filmmakers for wasting your time on a political piece marketed as an action flick.