Good movie. Good graphics. It's allegorical. Gets you thinking. I can't really pin it down to one single concept or message
Good parenting lessons can be learned.
As with all other human relationships even with robots trust is at the center of this movie
Mother stresses ethics over physical abilities. Although it talks of 100% viable humans, it does so so that this new family of humans are better morally.The young lady both was deceived by mother robot and mother human. But which of their motives were viable?
it alludes to the garden eden. The garden is the ship the devil is the human lady the girl is man. Both God and devil deceived.
the young lady seems to be motivated by ethics and the need for family of her kind and curiosity beyond the garden. but the movie hints at the adolescent behavior of a girl. She's secretly motivated by young man of her age she found drawn in a book. it might be because all the characters are females hence the need for her to have a Male by her side such as a brother
Mother robot seems to allude to the idea of humans always needing a creator. Robot talks of elevating her creators which were humans. So she creates daughter. Why will you do that when you can create more of your kind that is robot kind? fear maybe? or the inherent inability create something equal to you?
is she really human?did mother do the right thing?
many of the messages need resolving and leaves you wondering. overall good quality movie