This book is staraight trash they took the original literation of the Holy Bible which is the inspired word of the Lord GOD, and perverted the Bible with their own rendition, thoughts, and illogical views. If you are firm in your faith and believe in the LORD Jesus Christ, and bare witness that the LORD Jesus Chris has come in the full volume of the book; and is without sin, is not flawed, and is void of error; then do no read this book, because it paints the LORD Jesus as flawed, errored and of a sin nature, which we know is a lie from the pit of hell. I am so over the devil deceiving people to this degree, in short stay away from this abomination of a book, please I beg you in Jesus name. As the doctrine of inclusion is the doctrine of the devil, and will lead you straight to hell under the guise of the deception of the enemy.