I have been watching this show regularly after the entry of Gaurav Khanna. It was fun to watch that love angle, light weight comedy and some positivity. But later after the marriage of Anuj and Anupama, the show just turned out to be just a Gyan ki potli. The lady of the show has been a big failure from all the angles, her children upbringing is pathetic, they are good for nothing and disrespectful for elders, DILs she choose is extremely arrogant and always keep bad mouthing, her ignorance to her adopted child, unable to manage her new relationship and most of all now Anuj seems to be her secratary. All decisions taken by her in the show are completely wrong and results in troubles. The makers are setting very wrong examples in the society. Above all her extra long Gyan bleeds the ears. I have stopped watching it and it should go off the air. Watch at your own risk.