A lot of great features like a dedication, 'inspiring' quotes, author's note, preface, introduction, part I, part ii, part iii, acknowledgements, notes, and index BUT to me, highly unnecessary. I was not impressed by the contents of this book. Dr. Saul is heavily preoccupied with labels and being provocative.
I was neither impressed or influenced.
I did not like the fact that Dr. Saul states that ADHD patients 'or those who believe they have the disorder' - No one 'wishes' to have ADHD just like those of us, diagnosed with ADHD, do not appreciate or even begin to understand - why this book was written in the way that it was.
I was not impressed with this particular book.
I was hoping to learn more about ADHD.
However, on a level of humanity, I did enjoy Dr. Saul's acknowledgements, at the end of the book.
About the Author: a lot of terrific notes of interest and Dr. Saul's experience.
Hopefully, there will be a more positive and helpful book written by Dr. Saul.