Clunky dialogue, with too many scenes with just exposition by characters that did not move the plot along. Feels like a Saturday afternoon budget fantasy series rather than Tolkien.
Disheartening to see the Amazon spending so much on advertising, and paying off critics to spin this as a good show. Money would have better spent hiring experienced writers that can deliver purposeful scenes that are engaging.
Specific mistakes:
- if you are making Galadriel the warrior hero of the series then make her intriguing. Why did she just talk about herself in half these scenes? Aragorn was intriguing because we meet him through the perspective of the hobbits as being dangerous but a great warrior, then we learn about him as the story progresses. Would have been better to have the initial Galadriels scenes being from the perspective of some lower ranking character so she could actually feel genuinely badass as a warrior.
- Galadriel really came across another ship wreck in the middle of the ocean? Stupid and pointless
- Elrond casting is all wrong
HOTD wins the battle of the fantasy shows