This book is lazily written. I have already found typos - 'eek' out an existence, rather than eke.
Of course overall the book is aimed at an unashamed courting of controversy, however I want to point out one major flaw.
English wishes to consign the act of Remembrance to history, considering it remembrance for an event (WW1) that happened before anyone alive was born. He completely overlooks the fact that the act of remembrance has been extended to ALL wars and all participants. November 11 has become the symbol/ focal point, however it is as relevant to conflicts and casualties today as it ever was.
When pointing out inaccuracies in history, one needs to show an inordinate accuracy or face being 'hoisted by one's own petard'.
I cannot believe that those who gave recommendations to this shabby tome really staked their professional reputation on it. I speak as one who is delighted to debunk myths and pretentiousness, however this really doesn't have the credentials to dissect accurately.