I used to like and respect this show a lot more than I do now.
The level of professionalism seems to have decreased. I notice alot more casual-ness instead. I hear ‘Hey guys’ alot to address other reporters and the national audience as well. Too casual. Address people by their names. Address the audience as ‘everyone’ or something inclusive. Please consider audience members who prefer that professionalism and casualness are in balance. I am sometimes concerned about Carson who often appears hyperactive and dresses recently like a slob.
However Al Roker ❤️ always is a true, consummate professional and deliberate broadcaster who consistently rises to the occasion with dress, professionalism balanced with humor VS. casualness and delivery.
I would include Savannah in that as well. ❤️
A very intelligent professional whose work is from the heart.
Recently I have been watching more of other network morning shows, but my heart still remains with TODAY.