The movie was good, not great. The action could have been wayyyy better, the humor was........mediocre, didn't really made me laugh at any point. The aesthetics were great though, the fashion was great, a lot of colors, loved the music, the little twists/turns in the story line near the end was the only thing that got me thinking. Other than that, the planning of their "missions" could have been wayyyyy better, didn't really intrigue me that much. But I would praise the fact that it was "family watchable" (to me at least), not a lot of explicit / indecent / vulgar scenes or content.......these girls had more swag to them then "sexy"........yeah, you should watch it though, and then you can decide for yourself. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed myself, I expected more considering that K. Stew was in It, and Liz directed it, but it didn't hit me as hard as I expected........TWO and a HALF stars !!!!