The Primetime hosts, except for Ben Domenich, lacked the depth of Tucker - whose depth and breadth is without equal on any daily show.
I really believe Fox can make better use of this time slot.
Americans, who were robbed of history in Government schools want context, perspective, and a view of the political landscape - it's effect on individuals and our nation, and it's competition against Socialist, Communist and Marxist political models.
Guests who I would have in mind: Tucker, Levin, Victor David Hansen, Newt Gingrich, Mollie Hemmingway, Ben D. These are Big Picture apologists of American Greatness - who are able to connect the individual American to that Greatness, and the challenges from within and without.
I find Jesse clever and very wise, but I would not include him in the list of talent above. That said, I believe Jesse would have a larger audience, because his appeal is without equal. I am a heady guy, and want heady content. I recognize I am a minority view. Just don't lose Tucker because without him, me and a lot of people like me will leave Fox because the general content is for the masses.