I watched the first episode and decided to stop there, thinking it was just another foul-mouthed, cheap shot-oriented piece of garbage ala Hollywood's finest (FMCSOPOGAHF). A week or so later, having gone through several streaming services looking for something other than a FMCSOPOGAHF, I decided to give it a second look, and was glad I did. Once I got over the seemingly gratuitous language, I started to get into it. It's basically a well-done, modern day farce. The acting was great. The humor was either subtle; you have to look past the surface and it'd help if you weren't too young to appreciate the cultural allusions. The ambiance was unique and interesting. My only problem was the less-than-satisfying "Series Finale" which certainly seemed like a good "Season Finale", so I hope the "Series" word was a typo.