I never knew that a movie could remind me so much of being a passenger in a car of a "man driver," but this movie does. Too stubborn for its own good, reckless actions, lost for the most part, and merely diving into the development of characters. Spoiler Alert to a certain extent? The most I'll say is that there is a disappearance/kidnapping. Let me explain...
Too stubborn for its own good: This movie speeds are nonsensical and don't transition well. The movie reminds me of that one car that speeds down the street that has a stop sign, realizes it too late, and comes to a screeching stop, to then continue driving fast and stoping at the next stop sign. The movie does an amazing job with the beginning, it has an eerie feeling of suspicion and dull sadness, but is choppy to the main character's quick irrational actions that are unexplained, stupid, and strange. I was hoping for a psychological suspense action movie, which would be a better way of approaching this movie altogether considering what topics are mentioned in the film, but are briefly swayed off.
Reckless Actions: The action sequences in this movie aren't entertaining to watch at all. One small explosion, no torture/ integration, no dependency on itself, and viligantism. Watching the beginning and ending of the movie, it seemed as if the project was rushed and didn't completely understand itself. I can understand that characters will respond and act in certain ways while under stress, but doesn't justify how ridiculous cops were deemed as a supportive source for the characters to go to and then have the main character take matters in to his own hands. The time and location are the only consistent factors in this film, and do nothing because hours pass by, not days- and raises the question of the characters involved with the disappearance. Was there a disappearance, or an escape from an abusive relationship due to how radical the main character responded to his wife being gone? Well by the end, that question isn't answered in black and white, and yet again fails to highlight.
Lost for the Most Part: Characters are contradicting, this stems from characters' feelings changing so rapidly causing the movie to loose focus. For example how cops are used as a resource, the context of relationships, long term goals and motivations, individual biases of what justice is, and misplaced flashbacks.
Merely diving into character development: After watching the movie, I still can't believe how messy of a story it was. Just like the "man driver" speeding down the street recklessly with no sense of where he may be going, but only focused on getting to a destination; while overlooking the speed traps, cops, rules of the road, other drivers, and pedestrians he'll encounter during the drive. I think the goal of this movie was to have it finished, ignoring the fundamental steps it took to develop and didn't refine it to do better than other movies that discuss about abductions, disappearances, kidnap, and foul behavior. Also it doesn't dive into the character as I wanted, because characters have no consequences for their actions, or are accepted as being just because the characters (Other than the main character) are deemed bad guys or villains.
Positives: This movie was interesting to watch since it is thriller and there's mystery, not too extreme with the action aspect, and random english accent in a small town in the eastern side of the United States.