This is the first movie I actually went to see in the cinema since Oppenheimer. I was really excited to see the concept explored with a big budget and the cast (Dunst, Offermen, Plemons) as shown in the trailer looked great.
Overall this film was a bit of a let down. It looked and sounded amazing. The action sequences were well done, and the sound was brilliant. However this was also one of the main problems. Some of the cinematography was fantastic but this does seem to have come at the expense of the narrative. The main protagonists are not particularly likeable and don’t actually seem to have any depth to the character. Equally the backdrop to the story and the motivation of the characters is essentially laid out in three scenes lasting no more than two minutes in total. You learn basically nothing about how the war came to be, the factions involved, the main players or their aims. It almost seems like this may have been edited out as the general message throughout seems to be that neither side are the “good guys.” This would have been fine had more time been spent fleshing the narrative out and building a world around the characters. Instead the audience are just along for the ride with some fairly bland characters in an admittedly great looking film.