A joke of a game 2 gamemodes on core gameplay, and a lack of simple game mechanics such as even teams. The game code they made is they fill one team all the way then then they fill the other, so while your losing the game with only 12 people vs 32 people and your team finaly fills up the game is over. Bots in the game are a joke too. Ethier too dumb to be any help or you get one shot across the map where it fo be impossible to hit. Another thing they avertize its your battlefield your rules do that was a lie. The options they give you one are not ideal to know what exactly you want. For example game time you cant simply put 40 mins or something no thats too simple, they say put a number bettween 1 and 10 and it multiplys for you, so dumb even with ticket counts wth is this i want say 400 tickets exactly not 443 seriously.